I shall live badly if I do not write, and I shall write badly if I do not live.’ Francoise Sagan

Monday 30 November 2020

An Encounter with Eve

I hear the creak

Of her high-backed chair

And before I even see 

Her beautiful face

I know it is her 


She has come to me in dreams 

And once when I summoned her

With my angel board

She is my guardian and protectress

Watching over me day and night 

Keeping me from harm 


She gifted me 

With her talent for words

And from her I learned 

To love a good tale

She made my childhood unforgettable 

And her passing grieves my heart still 


For decades I have 

Suffered the guilt

Of a dark secret 

Too painful to share 


Something rotten at the heart

Of our little family

A sinister predator

Who robbed me 

Of my childlike innocence 


She already knows the details

Perhaps she has always known the truth

Without me having to speak of it 

She utters these words:


“I’m so sorry this happened to you 

You no longer need to be afraid 

It’s not your fault, you were just a child

I will always love and protect you

You are safe now

Rest here with me a while”


And with that

She takes me into her arms

And I relax into her embrace

And let the tears flow



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